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SHRVEE ( Sharing , Renting , Vending)

How Does SHRVEE Work?

- Click and Collect :
Where customer orders an item and retailer place their order in the box by assigning access to them.

- Person to Person Sharing :
This could be an ideal in apartments where keys/tools/gadgets etc can be exchanged with others by placing in the box and give other access.

- Sharing with payment :
It is an ideal for repair businesses , where they can repair items and place in the box and item owners can pick items by paying outstanding amount. It is an ideal for cellphone/computer/mobility repair industry

- Asset on demand :
Place an item in the box , set the duration and price.

- Asset as a Subscription :
Offer membership possibilities to customers , they can pay once in month and use asset(s) based on their needs.

- Storage on demand :
Users can rent storage like lockers for certain duration. It is an ideal for cafe, co-working spaces.

- Sell Anything Anywhere Anytime :
Place an item or bunch of items in the box .
Set a price on that box.
Customer can buy instantly by scanning QR code.

Visit https://www.shrvee.com/ to know more and connect with us.